How Can a Behaviorist Help my School Avoidant Child Get Back to School?

For some reason, the role of the behavior analyst (Board Certified Behavior Analysts, BCBA) has been under the radar. They shouldn’t be, though. They can play an integral part in helping kids get back to school.
School Refusal: A Plan for Reintegrating Students

I had a lightbulb moment when I read this article by John Reily’ which discusses using hybrid learning as an opportunity for school refusal reintegration. Why wait until the Fall when it will be the same environment as before. Now is the time for schools to work with the families while there are fewer kids in the building.
School Avoidance from a 5th Graders Point of View

This is one of my top ten learning resources regarding anxiety-based school avoidance.
It is a video from Lyra, a very articulate 10 years old discussing her difficulties of going to school.
She provides keen insight into what has helped her get back to school.
This is How a Kid with School Refusal Feels

We know that school avoidance is often misunderstood. Our friends and schools may question our parenting skills. They may share simplistic and insensitive advice. They usually mean well, but sometimes it hurts.
A New Solution for Schools: In-house Mental Health Programs

A few years ago, NPR did a piece called “Mental Health in Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions of Students.” They cited that “nearly 80% of kids who need mental health services don’t receive them. Experts say schools could play a role in identifying students with problems and helping them succeed. Yet it’s a role many schools are not prepared for.”
What A Child with School Anxiety Wants You to Know

The following are some very powerful insights that will help you better understand what a child who has an anxiety disorder, school refusal, or other emotional disorder feels while at school.
New Way to Combat Childhood Anxiety: Treat the Parents

This article from Yale News features promising research about how parent training can help improve anxiety levels, tolerance and outcomes in their children. According to Dr. Eli Lebowitz, Director of the Program for Anxiety Disorders at the Yale Child Study Center.
How to Empower Your Child to Deal With School Anxiety by Karen Young, Psychologist and Founder of Hey Sigmund Blog

During an anxiety-fueled situation with my daughter, she has often yelled at me that I just don’t get it. I understand her point. I do have a general idea of her thoughts and feelings but I am not in her shoes per se to feel the extreme discomfort and hear her mind speaking to her.
My Child Has School Refusal: What Can I Do?

It’s quite bewildering when your child starts refusing to go to school. This isn’t anything that we were trained for as parents. Once this becomes a pattern, a disruption, or starts to cause a negative impact, then it is time to take immediate steps to help your child.
Helping Kids Manage Anxiety during Covid

This is a good piece put together by Lauren Hoffman, PsyD and Steve Mazza, Phd from Columbia Psychiatry. It covers a few simple ways that you can help manage you and your child’s anxiety right now. They also provide some useful links for relaxation and entertainment.