What You Need to Know About Accommodations

There are effective new tools families and schools can use to help kids w anxiety disorders or school avoidance get back to school. These interventions have created some confusion around the meaning of the word “accommodations.”
Feel Safe and Supported When You Need it Most

School avoidance is challenging on so many levels. One aspect that doesn’t get much attention is the judgment and blame assigned to parents of kids with chronic school absences. There are a few reasons for this: There has been little to no discussion, education, or awareness about school avoidance in our schools, media coverage, and […]
Get Your State’s Guide for Parental Rights in Special Education

Your child has the right to an education regardless of their school attendance problems. Getting your individual state’s guide to parental rights is the first step to understanding how your school can help your child.
Just Released ! The Ultimate Guide to Working with Your School

Many schools don’t understand school avoidance, so parents must take on the role of advocate and educator. You may feel judged at times and resentful if you are not getting the help you need. Introducing, the Ultimate Guide to Working with Your School. Parents get easily overwhelmed when they start hearing about IEPs and 504s […]
Listen Now: School Refusal-What Parents Can Do

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from leading School Avoidance expert Chris Leonard LCSW, M.Ed Chief Learning Officer at Thrive Alliance Group In this episode, Chris Leonard shares advice for parents to help their school-refusing child get back to school. Chris and his guest also touch on how schools can partner with parents to form […]
The Year the Schools Refused Students

This is the first post written by L. Reddan, who is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) on a High School Counseling team, and an experienced professional helping kids with school avoidance get back to school.
L. Reddan will be writing under a pseudonym in order to speak freely about pervasive issues in our school system as it relates to school avoidance and inclusion.
School Avoidance Treatment Options: What is Rapid Return?

A discussion with Dr.Naoki Maeda of the School of Social Welfare, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, Nobeoka, Japan
Have you heard that exposure therapy is the treatment of choice for school avoidance?
How Can a Behaviorist Help my School Avoidant Child Get Back to School?

For some reason, the role of the behavior analyst (Board Certified Behavior Analysts, BCBA) has been under the radar. They shouldn’t be, though. They can play an integral part in helping kids get back to school.
School Avoidance from a 5th Graders Point of View

This is one of my top ten learning resources regarding anxiety-based school avoidance.
It is a video from Lyra, a very articulate 10 years old discussing her difficulties of going to school.
She provides keen insight into what has helped her get back to school.
A New Solution for Schools: In-house Mental Health Programs

A few years ago, NPR did a piece called “Mental Health in Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions of Students.” They cited that “nearly 80% of kids who need mental health services don’t receive them. Experts say schools could play a role in identifying students with problems and helping them succeed. Yet it’s a role many schools are not prepared for.”