Dear Schools, We Need Your Help Now More than Ever.

Dear Schools and Educators, We wish you all an excellent start to the 2021 school year. We know your staff has been challenged just like families as we faced school closures last year. Hopefully, you had some time to relax this summer. Thank you for caring for our kids and for all your hard work. […]
The Year the Schools Refused Students

This is the first post written by L. Reddan, who is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) on a High School Counseling team, and an experienced professional helping kids with school avoidance get back to school.
L. Reddan will be writing under a pseudonym in order to speak freely about pervasive issues in our school system as it relates to school avoidance and inclusion.
School Refusal is a Universal Problem: Spotlight on Japan

School Refusal is a universal problem. Our website gets most of its traffic from the United States, but there are also many visitors from Australia, Canada, The UK, and France. I was surprised to see Cyprus and The United Arab Emirates. too. This story from By Alessia Cerantola from BBC World Service focuses on the school refusal problem in Japan.
You Are Not Alone..The Value of Social Media

We know how much our kids value social media. They socialize, vocalize and entertain themselves with all the content and capabilities these platforms contain. What would you think if I told you that getting on a platform like Twitter could be helpful to people dealing with mental illness? And more specifically to our website’s audience; families with children who have school refusal